

Does your film make a statement… or do the statements make your film?
Producing QUALITY MOTION PICTURES that paint a “clearer picture of the truth” while maintaining their intrinsic entertainment value.

WELCOME to C.L.ROBINSON-ENTERPRISES. Our projects, while semi-biographical in nature, are not biographies. Our projects present “biographical facts” to support the films premise while holding their entertainment perspective. By that we mean that they Educate as well as Entertain.

We are in the business of producing “SMART Productions” both in Advertising and in Film.

The best and most entertaining films are educational in nature, whether be it Action, Adventure, Comedy, or Drama they enhance you in some way. This is what Extraordinary Filmmakers, Advertisers, and Novelist have been doing since the inception of all forms of Media.

Our projects feature hard topics relevant to todays social environment, presented in an entertaining way, and illustrated dramatically. All of our videos and films will feature some social difficulty used in the context of the story and aim to provide remedy to those difficulties.

We believe that it is our responsibility, as filmmakers, to not only point out some of the social ills that plague society, but to NOT MISS opportunities to illustrate how to combat or relieve tensions that build, and tragedies that result, from not knowing how to proactively handle situations where differences have arisen. Our projects key on these types of scenarios and provide “insights” into methods for their resolution… so that it “sticks”… we choose projects that “do not” present issues just for the sake of entertainment. 

This is ground-breaking filmmaking.

Thanks for visiting C.L.Robinson-Enterprises… stay tuned, we have some serious stuff coming your way.